Managing Occupational Health Course


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Course Overview

This course explains the key elements, procedures and activities involved in successful Occupational Health and Safety Management in the workplace.

The course show how professional Occupational Health and Safety Management benefits individuals and organisations.

It will investigate workplace health models, including the basic criteria of the World Health Organisation model.

You’ll discover the importance of a Health Needs Assessment and how it leads to the development of a Heath Management Strategy.

On a more practical level, the course will look at hazards, risks, controls and ‘Safe Systems of Work’ and the role played by health risk assessments.
Turning to workplace well-being, we’ll explain how to promote healthy lifestyles and positive mental health.

You’ll learn how to manage absences from work, both authorised and unauthorised, how to create an official Attendance Policy, manage the return-to-work process and deal effectively with absenteeism.

Finally, the course discusses the steps needed to develop and build a strong health and well-being culture, including leadership, communication, work-life balance and embracing change.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand what Occupational Health and Safety is along with the benefits of promoting a healthy organisation.
  • Create Health Management Strategies and collaborate with professionals for effective implementation.
  • Define Employee well-being, risk factors and understand the importance of promoting a positive culture around occupational health.
  • Create Risk assessments and understand when and where they are needed and the process to create
    effective assessments.

Who is it for?

This course is aimed at supervisors and managers who are responsible for the health and wellbeing of their employees.

Course Modules

Module 1: Occupational Health Basics
Module 2: Health Risk Assessments
Module 3: The Health Risk Assessment Process
Module 4: Long-Term Personal or Health Conditions
Module 5: Employee Well-being
Module 6: Substance Misuse
Module 7: Managing Absence
Module 8: Creating A Culture


Creating a culture of health, safety and wellbeing in the workplace increases staff morale and ensures a high level of retention. Online training is flexible, efficient and cost effective meaning the candidate can progress through.

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