Unit Testing with JUnit Training Course

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This course aims to provide the delegate with the knowledge to be able to describe the concepts of unit testing, design, write and execute test cases using JUnit, integrate JUnit with Apache Maven, stub and mock collaborators, and test DAOs and web responses.

What You Will Learn?

Module 1:JUnit jumpstart

  • Proving it works
  • Starting from scratch
  • Understanding unit testing frameworks
  • Setting up JUnit
  • Testing with JUnit

Module 2: Exploring JUnit

  • Exploring core JUnit
  • Launching tests with test runners
  • Composing tests with Test Suite
  • Collecting parameters with Test Result
  • Observing results with Test Listener
  • Working with Test Case
  • Stepping through Test Calculator

Module 3: Sampling JUnit

  • Introducing the controller component
  • Let’s test it!
  • Testing exception-handling
  • Setting up a project for testing

Module 4: Examining Software Tests

  • Why we need unit tests
  • Kinds of tests
  • Determining how good tests are
  • Test-driven development

Module 5: Automating JUnit

  • A day in the life
  • Running tests from Ant
  • Running tests from Maven
  • Running tests from Eclipse

Module 6: Coarse-Grained Testing with Stubs

  • Introducing Stubs
  • Practicing on an HTTP Connection sample
  • Stubbing the web server’s resources
  • Stubbing the connection

Module 7: Testing in Isolation with Mock Objects

  • Introducing mock objects
  • Mock tasting’s simple example
  • Using mock objects as a refactoring technique
  • Practicing on an HTTP connection sample
  • Using mocks as Trojan horses
  • Deciding when to use mock objects

Module 8: In-Container Testing with Cactus

  • The problem with unit-testing components
  • Testing components using mock objects
  • Integration unit tests
  • Introducing Cactus
  • Testing components using Cactus
  • How Cactus works

Module 9: Unit-Testing Servlets and Filters

  • Presenting the Administration application
  • Writing servlet tests with Cactus
  • Testing servlets with mock objects
  • Writing filter tests with Cactus
  • When to use Cactus, and when to use mock objects

Module 10: Unit-testing JSPs and Taglibs

  • Revisiting the Administration application
  • JSP unit testing
  • Unit-testing a JSP in isolation with Cactus
  • Unit-testing taglibs with Cactus
  • Unit-testing taglibs with mock objects
  • When to use mock objects, and when to use Cactus

Module 11: Unit-Testing Database Applications

  • Database unit testing
  • Testing business logic in isolation from the database
  • Testing persistence code in isolation from the database
  • Writing database integration unit tests
  • Running the Cactus test using Ant
  • Tuning for build performance
  • Overall database unit-testing strategy

Module 12: Unit-Testing EJBs

  • Defining a sample EJB application
  • Using a fa?ade strategy
  • Unit testing JNDI code using mock objects
  • Unit-testing session beans
  • Using mock objects to test message-driven beans
  • Using mock objects to test entity beans
  • Choosing the right mock object strategy
  • Using integration unit tests
  • Using JUnit and remote calls
  • Using Cactus

Course Contents

  • JUnit jumpstart
  • Exploring JUnit
  • Sampling JUnit
  • Examining software tests
  • Automating JUnit
  • Coarse-grained testing with stubs
  • Testing in isolation with mock objects
  • In-container testing with Cactus
  • Unit-testing servlets and filters
  • Unit-testing JSPs and taglibs
  • Unit-testing database applications
  • Unit-testing EJBs

Why Choose Us?

Our aim is not just to get you the qualification but also guide you through all processes while you are applying for your SIA Licence. Following are some of the reasons why you should choose us as your training provider:

  • Excellent Success Rate!
  • Fully accredited and authorized training center in London!
  • Most competitive prices with NO HIDDEN COSTS!
  • Prices are all inclusive of tuition, handbook, notebook, exams and certificate costs!
  • Nationally recognized and Ofqual accredited training course!
  • Highly skilled and qualified trainers with a great wealth of practical knowledge & experience!
  • Post-qualification email support while you are preparing to book your licence application!
  • Free guidance session on how to apply and obtain a SIA Licence!

Who is it for?

This JUnit testing training workshop is designed for Java developers wanting to adopt JUnit for their unit test framework.


Participants are expected to have knowledge of software development using any programming language, especially Java programming and the software testing process.


Delegates should have attended the pre-requisite Java Advanced Developer course or have equivalent experience with the Java programming language.

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